I am aware that it's weird.. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

FOOD issues.. (Side effects of stupid Detox Diet)

I really thought that with the pressure of studying and writing papers, Detox would be an excellent idea as my mind would be off Food. But let me tell you, such things never happen. There is always a pack of yummy wafers on your friends shelf or the mind boggling smell of the Chicken Bhunas and Tikkas that your neighbour just ordered which makes you reconsider even the very basic concepts of life.

I was once very successful on my detox diet, post which i started eating like a pig and the circle of life completed itself. Point is, what is the point of starving to be thin when ultimately you are going to hog once you reach the ideal weight? God created food as a celebration of life. It taught us to share, it taught to care and gave us a sense of being human rather than just living. Giving up something as divine as that requires courage and strength of mind, body and soul. Even if it is for only 5 days. I mean there are other ways to being thin. You can exercise or practice the art of Yoga but the lazy bone tells you that you would rather not eat. This duel takes a toll on a mortal and things can be very difficult later on.

My mother tells me that you have to believe in one thing for it to make sense to you. You have to choose a side. Leave the Food that tastes good or Leave the couch which feels good. Months later i decide to decide. I decide am going to do both. Eat right and exercise as well so that the guilty DNA's in my body cease to exist and i live happily ever after like a thin girl.


PS: Actually its an issue of the society wherein we are obligated to be thin. Having that belly puts you under the spot and then people judge you. Its a shame that in this democratic society where we talk about freedom, no one gives us a right to being Lazy and completely useless. As a citizen of this country and as a human i demand that along with a law that states i would remain equally attractive irrespective of the food and the exercise. (The bhujia packet still stares at me innocently)

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